Databases Course Project - Car rental service
Car rental service using PHP, MySQL and Javascript for Databases course of Electrical and Computer Engineering School of NTUA Athens. You can find the project code on GitHub
This application supports basic CRUD(Create Read Update Delete) operations for employees, vehicles, customers as well as some complex MySQL queries for statistics: 1. Vehicles per company branch. 2. Driver employees working on different branches. 3. Overall vehicle number recorded at our database. 4. Overall number of customers per city. 5. Vehicles with ascending km order. 6. Bookings per month. 7. Months with more than 15% of overall yearly bookings. 8. Vehicles booked more than n times. 9. Active bookings. 10. Pending vehicle services ordered by days till service left.
Built with
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap 3
- AngularJS